Tuesday 21 August 2012

The Pacifica Centre Trip

Today we went to the inspiring Centre for Pacific Arts on the Corban's Estate in Henderson. The following photos show how busy we were...

More Gymnastic group photos...

Term 2 Gymnastics with R24

Pascal's Triangle

This is a photo of Pascal's triangle. Pascal's triangle is a continuous triangle of numbers. It can help you at finding how many combinations are possible. We enjoyed have working with Pascal's amazing triangle.  Can you see how he constructed his triangle?                                                                                                                                MA and HH.  

Tree Planting

We walked out the Elm Park school from the back blue gate. We carried the heavy plants to the
back of the schools planting site. Our amazing instructor Mr Field told us how to use a big spade. We
found some big and small plants and planted them in the rich black soil. We first dug a hole big enough for the plants. The soil was as soft as a lama.  The soil was as black as the pitch black night sky.